Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Day 1: Move-in Day

Today was the day.

Today, I pretty much start my road towards semi-independence.

Well, I mean, I'm still under the supervision of lots of people, faculty, peers, and others, so it's not too independent. But hey, it's a good start. Now, I can call this day one.

Moving in at Duke is an interesting process. When you drive your car up, you are swarmed by college students wearing bright yellow shirts and they take everything from your car up to your room. And when I say everything, I mean everything. My Snuggie made it to my room intact in the hands of another person, so I mean everything.

I just happen to be in the best dorm ever on East campus, Bell Tower, also known as Hotel Bell because it is so fantastic. Here it is:
It's nicknamed Hotel Bell because it is so luxurious, but most importantly, because it has A/C!!! I know that may not seem like anything special, but considering that only 3 of the 11 dorms have A/C, it's a great thing indeed. I don't have inside pictures yet, but eventually, you all can see the luxury.

After moving in all of my stuff, I had to endure a long line to receive my Dukecard ID, then my roommate Anthony and I went with my parents to Target for extra dorm shopping. We only bought a few things:
Hey, a college boy has to eat, and you can bet there are Ramen noodles down in that cart.

Back to the dorm, set up shelves and electronics, pack the room up, etc., boring auditorium meeting, interesting floor meeting (our icebreaker was fun), and now I'm back in my dorm. Made some new friends, and I am tired, as you can see by my shorter prose and syntax, so I am thinking it's about time for bed on my extremely small bed. Tomorrow, I get engineered with meetings, and I endure the trip to the communal bathroom. Tonight, I leave you with a picture of my desk and my first college meal: baked ziti.


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